Saturday, December 27, 2008

Almost Happy New Year!!!!!

Hi again,
Here it is the 27th of December. Lee and I are celebrating 34 yrs of marriage today!! Seems like only yesterday we stood in front of my Mom and Dads Christmas tree and said our I Do's. Life has been good to us both and we are looking forward to many more years of sharing with family and friends.
Christmas was truly white this year. It snowed all day on Christmas eve into Christmas morning. I will add a couple of pictures taken at Sam and Shannon's. We thought we were the only ones to have the deer visit our house but, we had 7 in the kids backyard eating leftover apples on Christmas morning.
We had a great time with Porter. Grand kids are wonderful maybe we should have had them first! Porter is just about to crawl and when he starts talking Look Out!! He and Nana will never be without something to say.

We missed Clint,Tanya and Dane, but they in our thoughts and we enjoy checking out what is going on with them on their blog.

We are getting ready to go south for two weeks in Jan. Lee has his shorts out and packed already! Needless to say I'm a little behind, but Santa brought be a new suitcase for Christmas and I am going to fill it!!
My Dad and Mom were pretty much snowed in for the Holidays and are hanging in there. Dad
starts his radiation on the 6th of Jan for 6 weeks. He will be staying at the VA hospital in Vancouver for that time and they will take him back and forth to the hospital at OHSU for his treatments. Hang in there Dad were all pulling for you!!!! Mom will be having her CT on the 30th of Jan and we are expecting a good report.
That's about all for now. More in a couple of weeks. Wishing everyone the best in 2009 Christmas morning at Sam and Shannon'sPorter giving us his newest pose
Dane and Clint in the ice fishing tent

Dane helping out mom while she is baking cookiesNeedless to say somehow I got an extra picture of Porter. I can move them around but can't seem to delete it. I also lost the picture of the deer in Sam and Shannon's back yard so goes the the world of the beginning computer wizard!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Well, winter came in like a lion!!!! We have about 12 plus inches of snow on the ground. We are off to Sam,Shannon and Porters house for the holiday. We hope to leave this afternoon before we get too much snow. They are predicting about 8 inches of new white stuff. I love this weather, but Lee is getting pretty tired of shoveling the snow off the driveway. Riley is having the time of his life playing in white stuff. Kitty has decided that the garage is a great place to be right now!

We want to wish all our family and friends a very Merry Christmas and thank you to all the servicemen and women that are away from their families keeping us safe.

That is as far as the car made it up the driveway.

Good thing Lee packed in the wood for winter!

Riley just loves the snow!

Kitty isn't too sure about all the white stuff

Monday, December 15, 2008

Winter has arrived!!!

There has been so much going on since the last post. Lee and I went to Montana for Thanksgiving with Clint,Tanya and Dane. Dane is such a cutie. He is crawling and Clint says that he has to keep a watch on the dogs water dish as Dane has discovered it!!! While we were there Lee and Clint went hunting and Lee got a nice doe. We now have meat for the winter and thanks to the help from Clint and Tanya we also have 20lbs of sausage. We had some the other day and it was wonderful. That means that we will have to go back next year and give it another try. We just missed the snow on our way home, thank goodness
I have been spending time in Portland with my Dad and Mom. Dad was diagnosed with melanoma of the nose in Nov. and had surgery to remove the tumor. He also had to have all his top teeth pulled last week for the radiation that they will start in Jan. He is a real trooper!!!
Today we are hunkered down, keeping the wood stove going as it was -3 degrees this morning. Lee is outside shoveling snow. It has been snowing lightly all morning maybe 3 inches on the ground now. We are suppose to get snow all day and several days this week also. I am suppose to drive back to Portland on Wednesday, but the mountain is a mess and Portland is suppose to get 3 to 6 inches of new snow on Wed. I am hoping that my dad can change his appt for Thur as I don't look forward to that drive!!!!
Porter is now saying DaDa much to Sam's delight!!! Sam and Shannon are expecting another baby in June and we are pretty excited. I can get used to this Nana and Grandpa stage of our lives!
That's all for now. I am going to post a couple of pics. Happy Holidays Everyone

Lee and his doe from MontanaPorter getting ready to go outside.Tanya and Dane in Nov. Look at those two teeth!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sorry it has been so long since the last post!!!

Here we are in the middle of Nov. and it all seem like a blur. Where does the time go??. The grand babies are growing in leaps and bounds. Porter and Shannon just got home from a trip to
Phoenix. They had a great time and Porter didn't mind the air flight at all. Dane has been hunting with his parents this fall and he is going to be crawling any day. I will post a few pics of
I spent a week with my mom and dad in Portland. My dad has a cancer in his nasal passage that is melanoma. Dad had been suffering from what he thought was a cold or sinus infection for the
last 4 or 5 months. That wasn't what he had. Hopefully dad will be scheduled for surgery the first of Dec. Dad will be 88 in February and has always been very active. This has slowed him down some but we are hoping for good outcome.
Lee,Riley and I are off to see Clint,Tanya and Dane for the Thanksgiving holiday and some hunting for Lee. Nana will be babysitting and I can't wait!! We will post pictures on our return.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone,
Sheri, Lee and Riley, kitty t00

The two top pictures are of Porter. He was a puppy for Halloween and the bottom two pictures are of Dane. He was a little horse for Halloween. Bones just loves Danes shoes even with Dane in them.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Indian Summer in Prineville

Happy Saturday to everyone,
We are having such nice weather after the snow of two weeks ago. It is hard to believe that it is almost Nov. It is suppose to be in the 70's today and tomorrow. Lee and I have been busy spreading gravel on the property around the house before the rains come. We have spread about 40 yards so far. The little tractor is pretty handy moving the rock around. (dads toy)
I was in Portland for 3 days last week with my folks. My dad thought that he had a sinus infection and was being treated for that for over a month. Come to find out he has a growth in his nose. They hope to be able to shrink the growth with steroid spray but if that doesn't work they will have to remove it. He is going to have a cat scan to find out exactly what it is next week. The on going saga of Riley......The vet called back and said Riley is allergic to grass and cat skin!!!! The vet didn't think the cat would bother Riley as long as he was an outside cat. Riley had the problem before we got the cat. The grass now that is another matter. We have always said that Riley was a very special dog.
The grandsons are both growing sooooo big!!! They are over 7mo old and I don't know where the time has gone. I am off on Monday to make applesauce with Shannon and Porter. This should be fun. I used to make applesauce for the boys when they were little, time really does fly!!!
Well, that's about it for now. I am going to post a couple of pics of Dane and Porter. More next time.
Dane and Bones checking out the toysLooks like Dane is having a great time in the sink

Porter and his toys in the tub.What a grown up little man Porter is.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Birthday to my honey!!!

Yes, today is the big day for Lee. 66 and still treading water. They say that with age comes wisdom, but after seeing him on the roof of the house, I am beginning to wonder. We woke up to a very nice day. Sunshine and blue sky abounds with temps in the mid 60's.
Riley has been limping and licking his paws for the last 2 weeks and today we finally took him to the vets and he said that he has and infection in his ear and his pads are infected. The vet thinks that it may be allergies so he took blood to send out for allergy testing in Colorado and gave us two kinds of pills and stuff for the ear. Needless to say that with the stock market going down the vet prices just go up, up, up. With the boys gone we have only one child, (Riley) so you have to take care of them.(we love you Riley)

Friday morning we woke up to about 3 inches of snow on the ground. It was so pretty. We still had our summer furniture out, needless to say summer is over!!!

We spent a couple of days smoking salmon and boy is it good. Lee plated some so everyone could
have a look.

Well, that's about all for now. Hope all is well with everyone out there. Have a great week.

Lee, Sheri and Riley oh, Kitty too

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Frost on the Pumpkin it must be October!!

Good Wednesday Morning to everyone!!!!!

We woke up to lots of frost this morning. It's a good thing that we picked all the tomatoes, including the green ones yesterday. The mountains all have a dusting of white on their heads and the weatherman says maybe tomorrow WE could even see a few flakes.

My husband the fisherman, is now home for the season. Fishing on the Columbia wasn't good for him, but on the Sandy River is was outstanding. I will include a few pictures later, not bragging of course. We had Drake over the weekend while Sam,Shannon and Porter had a weekend at the beach. I cleaned out the defrosted the freezer yesterday and realized we have to eat more because it is still full. We are sooooo blessed!
October is Birthday month for Shannon and Lee. Happy Birthday to you both!!! Sisters Fall Festival is this weekend, Glenda, Sherry, Beryl and I are all going for our yearly trip on Sat and then home to meet the guys for Pizza and cake. Glenda makes the most outstanding cakes in the world!!!
The deer are still visiting daily and I have included another picture. A little multi colored kitty has decided that this is the place to be. Needless to say I couldn't help but feed her, so she has been here two days now. (outside of course) Riley isn't any to happy to have someone else stealing the show. Time will tell if she is just out prowling or really needs a home. That's about all for now. More next week.
Sheri, Lee and Riley

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fish in the Sandy River

Hi Everyone,

Well, it's only 2 days to TGIF !!! The last weekend in Sept and Lee is back on the Sandy River fishing again!!! He says that there are so many fish in the river,but not many of them are bitting. They raised the limit to 3 fish a day not including little jack salmon. The count last night was 6 fish. Looks like we will have Salmon for the winter and spring.

Both little grandsons are not feeling to well, but at 6mo I guess that is to be expected. Dane has thrush and Porter has his first cold. They are just growing in leaps and bounds!!! I finally got my pickles done last evening. I am a little out of practice and a little late getting to them so next year I will just have to make more. Funny how when you are almost out of them you just can't seem to get enough of them. I am off to a fish and meat pressure canning class tomorrow so I had better get my stuff together. Hope everyones week is good!!!

Lee on the Sandy with a nice fish

Two nice does eating in the front yard, and boys the answer is still no shooting!

Dane and Clint on trip to the mountains in Montana. Dane is 6 mo. old.

Porter in the tub, he just loves the bath. He just turned 6 mo. also.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Good Monday morning to you all!!!!

Well, It's Monday morning and the sun is shinning. It is suppose to be a hot one today about 91 degrees. Lee has caught two more fish and would like to do that again today. I have been without him for over a week now and am ready to have him home.( did I say that???) While I was gone and Lee was at Sandy the deer came in and had a feast on my flowers!!. There is always next year. Last evening I went out to the garage and low and behold there was a 4 point buck eating out of the bird food sack!!! Needless to say I interupted that and outside there were 4 other deer. (no boys you can't hunt here) I think we have become the Houston Deer Sanctuary because they all bedded down in the field below the house for the evening. I think it is just so cool!!! That's about all for now. I'm off to find cucumbers to pickle. More soon.
Wishing everyone a GREAT DAY!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Some of us are back home again!!!

It has been a while since the last post. I have been in Whistler with my friends from Canada for a Girls Weekend. We had way to much fun. I will post a couple of pictures later in the blog. I was in Portland to visit my Mom and Dad. My sister Debbie and brother Harley and wife Toni came up for my mom ct scan and we all had a nice visit. Mom celebrated her birthday on the 3rd of Sept. (she would kill me if I told everyone that she is now 84 years and doing great!!! ) I left Portland on Friday morning and spent 4 days in Whistler. What a blast we all had. We did the zip line and we were told that we could reach speeds of up to 50 mph on the one line that was 220 feet long. We had great weather. Lee left for Sandy on the 1st of Sept. and is staying with our neighbor Dorothy Ayers. He has had 4 nice fish so far and would like to catch a few more. He has had a dry spell for the last 6 days!!! Maybe his luck will have changed today. I am at Sam and Shannons today and tomorrow getting a little Nana time!. Porter isn't sure just how happy he is to see me. I hope to get him to smile at me and not cry this time. Enjoy the pictures and I will send more after Lee gets back from fishing.

Here is a picture of the first evening with Edna, Kate,Sandi and Myself

Snacks in Whistler village on afternoon with Linne,Edna and myself.

Here we are enjoying the hot tub and bubbles.

Can you believe that we are doing the zipline!!!!

What an awsome view from the top of the trees

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Can you believe it is August!!!!

Hi Everyone, How time flys. We have been cleaning rentals, helping at the county fair, raking rocks, hauling gravel and planting grasses for next year. We will be helping Sam and Shannon

this weekend painting their rental house. It is suppose to be in the upper 90's. The paint should dry pretty fast! I have included a few pics of the the yard, flowers, dad hauling rocks and we still

have the fawns next door. Happy August more to come soon.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July 4th fun!!

Hi Everyone, hope you all had a nice holiday. We spent the long weekend at the Prineville

Reservior with our family and friends. Sam, Shannon, Porter, Shannon's sister Penny and

daughter Zoey along with Eric and Sondra Moroney and their son's Brian, Steven, Nathan

and their wives Amy and Kim along with their 4 children. What a group. It was so nice getting

together with the families again. Grandpa and Nana just had fun watching all the kids with

their children. There is something to be said for maturing, some call it aging. I am going to

try to put some pictures from this weekend on the blog. More later.

Poor Porter is on his side in the car seat. I can't figure out how to turn it so this is what you get.