Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hi Again

Can you believe here it is the 30th of March and it is snowing today!!! So much for the nice weather we had about 2 weekends ago. Well, you know how sometimes ideas have a way of becoming real?? We had been thinking about purchasing a travel trailer for the winters in AZ and by magic one appeared in our drive way a week ago! We are really excited to take it out on a trial run the middle of April. The trailer is 26ft long with a rear lounge and a sofa and dinette. Plenty of space for 6 people to sleep. Riley is hoping one of the beds will be his!!

Lee and I spent 2 nights camping and fishing with the kids on the Deschutes River the third week of March. The weather was so nice. We had so much fun with the grandkids!! Porter is into throwing rocks,sticks or anything he can into the river.( a boy all the way ) The kids tented and we used the camper, the last trip before we sell it. Next time we will try the trailer! We fished on Saturday and caught at least 10 sturgeon but none were quite long enough to keep. It was still fun catching

Sam and Porter watching Shannon bring in a fish.
Nana and Wyatt. He's not to sure about all this. Fishing is really hard work. The boys decided it was time to take a nap. Riley also thought that was a good idea.

Sam, Shannon, Porter and Wyatt.

Sam and Shannon discussing how to bring that fish in!!!!
Porter and Dane are both two now. I can't believe it. Last week Shannon and Sam had a get together for Porter. His favorite toy was Buz light year. ( I think that is what he is called.) Porter takes him to bed and everywhere.
Cake was had by all. I think that Porter liked the frosting best!!!
Well, that's about all for now. Lee and I are both off in the morning to the dentist office to get our new crowns put on. It seems that with age things just wear out!!! Happy Easter everyone!