Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Its, time to remember all those who keep us safe in our homes and allow us all the freedom's that we so much enjoy in this country. THANK YOU!!! To everyone who is out traveling on our roads this Memorial Day weekend, drive safe and hope you all enjoy this weekend. Lee and Sam worked on a new patio for Sam and Shannon on Friday. Nana got to spend a couple of days with Shannon and Porter. Porter is getting another tooth and was a little cranky. Saturday we got together with friends for a barbecue and of course the food was wonderful and we all ate to much. Today we will be up at the lake with the Moroney family and their grandchildren along with Sam, Shannon and Porter. It is so nice to see all the boys grown up with their kids. Brings back memories. Monday I am off to Portland to spend time with my folks and Lee is going to try to catch some fish up at the reservoir with Riley's help. Below are a few pictures of what has been going on at the Houston house and baby pictures of course! The Kitty has taken a liking to the planter on the front porch.
Grandpa and Porter taking a ride on the tractor.
Men and boys have always loved to play in the mud so to speak. The beginning of Sam and Shannons new patio.The work is just about done.Porter making his mark on the new patio with dad's help.Porter the little walking man.Clint and Dane out enjoying the outdoors. Clint,Tanya and Dane are off this weekend enjoying the wonderful outdoors and Lake Francis.


Shannon Houston said...

thank you again for all your help! Love the picture of kitty in the planter, so cute. Have a great time in Portland, we'll see ya next week.

Clint, Tanya, Dane and Kimber said...

Dirt is so cute!!! Hope you weren't planning on putting any flowers in that planter!
Sam and Shannon's patio looks great! That's cool that all the boys got to play in the mud!!! lol