Wednesday, May 18, 2011

April showers bring MAY FLOWERS !!!!

Hi, April showers brought all these blooms on my Christmas Cactus.  This was grandma Jan's mothers so we figure that it is about 60 years old and still going strong.  Below are some of the pictures from Porter's stay with Nana and Papa and our fishing and camping trip with Sam, Shannon and the boys. Lee is out planting his tomatoes between rain showers!!!  It is suppose to be in the 70's for the next couple of days. I can't believe that it is memorial day weekend in a few days.  Hope all is well with everyone and that you enjoy the pictures.   

What is it about little boys, trucks and dirt. Porter had a great time playing outside.
I don't know who had more fun driving the tractor, Porter or Papa.

The Houston men and boys.

What is camping without roasting marshmellows over the open fire?
The dogs are waiting for a handout of any kind.

Nana with her lap full.

Sam and Shannon with a sturgeon.

Would you believe that the fish moved and scared the heck out of me. I still haven't mastered holding worms but fish aren't to bad.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Where did March and April go????

Grandkids are the best. Lee Dane driving the tractor when the kids came for a visit. I don't know who has more fun Grandpa or Dane.
Dane and Grandpa fishing out at the reservoir Dane brought in his own fish.

In these two pictures the 3 little boys,Porter, Wyatt and Dane are all playing up in the woods above the our driveway.
They were so cute, gathering sticks and rocks to make a camp fire.  They played for hours.  It brings back memories of when Sam and Clint were little.

What fun would it be if you couldn't draw??

The boys discovered the sunken tub!!!!  They had a great time playing and splashing.
Here is the little princess Kimber playing with the grass while the boys fished

Here are Nana's little breakfast helpers!
He we are in May and things around the old homstead have been really hopping!  We had a great visit with Clint and Tanya in April.  Camping and fishing with Sam and Shannon.  All the events included the grandbabies of course.  Lee and I are doing great and feeling good.  I am off to Portland for a week to visit and do Dr. appts with my Mom and Dad.  Clint these pictures are for you.  Fishing pictures will be coming in the next week, maybe.