Happy Saturday to everyone,
We are having such nice weather after the snow of two weeks ago. It is hard to believe that it is almost Nov. It is suppose to be in the 70's today and tomorrow. Lee and I have been busy spreading gravel on the property around the house before the rains come. We have spread about 40 yards so far. The little tractor is pretty handy moving the rock around. (dads toy)
I was in Portland for 3 days last week with my folks. My dad thought that he had a sinus infection and was being treated for that for over a month. Come to find out he has a growth in his nose. They hope to be able to shrink the growth with steroid spray but if that doesn't work they will have to remove it. He is going to have a cat scan to find out exactly what it is next week. The on going saga of Riley......The vet called back and said Riley is allergic to grass and cat skin!!!! The vet didn't think the cat would bother Riley as long as he was an outside cat. Riley had the problem before we got the cat. The grass now that is another matter. We have always said that Riley was a very special dog.
The grandsons are both growing sooooo big!!! They are over 7mo old and I don't know where the time has gone. I am off on Monday to make applesauce with Shannon and Porter. This should be fun. I used to make applesauce for the boys when they were little, time really does fly!!!
Well, that's about it for now. I am going to post a couple of pics of Dane and Porter. More next time.
Porter and his toys in the tub.What a grown up little man Porter is.