Lee and I have decided that it would be nice to do a blog so that we can share our adventures with everyone. We have been so blessed! Clint and Tanya had a son Dane Jakob Houston on March 9th and Sam and Shannon had a son Porter Montgomery Houston on March 21st. They are both healthy and really growing.
March 31st Lee and I left for Montana looking like the Clampets from Prineville with the truck and trailer loaded.
We had a good trip to Great Falls, with some snow. You can see Riley really loved it!
All of us went to the cabin out by Willow Creek Reservior and Lee and Clint put in a wood stove and wired it for Solar Panels and lights. We had a great time and as you can see more snow!
Monday we drove out to Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge. We observed lots of birds and had a nice a great view of the of the Rocky Mountain
Lee and I are back on the road again in the morning heading back to Prineville. It is so tough to say goodbye the kids. More to come later.